Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Friends…are what drive us to acknowledge what is right from wrong, love from hate, and correctly or incorrectly live our lives in this reality. Whenever I look back I always asked myself, am I friend that leads them to the right side or the wrong side. For the past few weeks I haven’t been a friend at all. I’ve suffocated them with my misery, told secrets where they should of remain unknown and in the end became so angered and frustrated but for what? Why do I treat others so low when they’ve treated me so high. What happened to me? Are the friends I’m making not the friends who I thought they were? Are they fake? But who am I to judge, when I’m a hypocrite myself. This is not me, I need to address my friends with open arms, an attitude who’ll they will remember, and a personality they could embrace. Now that it’s November, and seasons are beginning to pass I want to show that I can be a friend. No more will I ignore you, discourage you, and amuse myself in your failures, but will rise with you to see you smile. By the time we’ve graduate high school and start to head our separate ways, I want you to know that I’ll regret ever saying goodbye to you, cause moments like these only come once a lifetime.

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