Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Alright you fucking crippled immature son of a bitch, is that how you wanna play. Alright! Who the fuck do you think you are telling us what to do, why don't you tell your fucking drunk ass, wrinkly boobless wife to go fucking find a place to stay rather then sleeping on the street...o no wait i forgot your poor, you know why? Cause your a fucking alcoholic, you don't know shit and you don't base us Asians by fucking skin, and intellectuality. Your a dumbass bitch walking on the streets begging for money, which you'll never get cause you know why? YOUR POOR!! if you didn't catch that I'll say again YOUR POOR BITCH!! You wanna discriminate us, well why don't you go find a job that proves that Asians are bad people, then come back and tell us the reason why were bad o no but wait there aren't any jobs out there telling us why Asians are bad, and plus no one would fucking employ you and you know why, cause your a fag piece of shit. Just cause we live in this country doesn't mean were bad, you fucking stupid or something? this is a free country were all treated equal, why dont you go to school and re-educate yourself o no but wait your fucking poor, can't afford shit, not even a can drink at GH chicken thats 50cents only. Bitch please. How many times do you have to repeat it, we heard you the first time were not death and stupid like you motherfucker. Tell me do you even know how to do fractions, or at least addition which all kindergarten kids can do like...fuck your hella sad if I ever see that fucking ugly, face of yours again, your done. Dont care if your crippled, blind, death, female, or male your DONE. Your the past so there's no point of you living anymore theres no future for you the only future you'll see is my fist, i don't care if i become a murderer for killing a fag like you all i care is that your dead, your gone in this world, and you wont make anymore problems around other people ever again. If you think we haven't learn anything at school think again, we learned much more than you when you were kid that is if you even went to school. Were not stupid minded like you ...yea we drink but not excessively like you, we know when to stop and when others get too drunk we help them out. To bad for you when you got drunk no one even cared about your well being cause you know why your life wasn't worth it the place, you were a mistake from birth and mistake from God. If you think we haven't learned much at school then guess what your gonna learn by tomorrow, MY FIST GOING STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE, I"M GONNA BREAK ALL THOSE SINGLE YELLOW COLORED TEETH OF YOURS THEN PUMMEL YOUR FACE STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND AND SCRAP THAT UGLY FACE OF YOURS TILL ALL I SEE IS BLOOD COVERING YOUR FACE. AND IF YOU GOT A KNIFE, DON'T EVEN BOTHER PULL IT OUT CAUSE I'M JUST GONNA TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU IN LIKE TWO SECONDS.
*Side note Asians were the one that created the fighting technique called tae kwondo not your fucking race

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Joey - a rare soul refined of knowledge, will, talent, and friendship

Driven by determination, friends, power's of knowledge, and the might of God that is my friend Joey Carlos Laguio. Born November 25, 1993 a young mind was born and brought into a leveled world. He is knowledgeable through work, and intense gaming and doesn't know the meaning of impossible unless proven by others. Throughout his years of struggles, frustrations, and hard labor Joey has been supported by friends, families, and teachers to help him along his way and continues to thrive to accomplish what he was sent here to do. It's the year 2008, of the 25th of November, signs of blessings have been bestowed upon my friend Joey, to give him courage, strength, and more blissful moments to come. I'd like to say that all these years that I've known you I want to thank you for being a great friend, and being there to occupy my time from being bored as the last few years we have together come to a halt I hope that I'll get the chance to see all of you again I wish you the best of luck, and hope you never change.(well i can't really ask that since we do change physically, mentally, uh well u knw what i mean)

Monday, November 24, 2008


People think of themselves so low, and act so negative around things when they don't understand. Just cause you don't get this or you can't achieve something you've set doesn't mean your a failure. I have a friend who is like that and told me she was about to cry when she didn't understand things I told her I'd help her and she was glad that she had my help. I spent my time helping her breaking things into little pieces so she could understand and remember each of these formulas within her mind. I wasn't frustrated when she didn't get some of the answers but was understandable because probably she was given to much than her mind could handle. As things progressed she began to understand little by little it was a sign of success that my method of teaching were penetrating into her mind. All those negative thing's she had said about herself began to wear off and by the time she took her test...she was ready.

The message I'm trying to send out to all of you is that as a stranger, friend, and brother let me help you or come to me when you need assistance. I may not be what you expect me to be but if I understand the subject I'll be sure to tell you that I can help you. I offer you my help so accept it and be pleased you'll end up understanding it.


On a bright and breezy day
as I reached for the sky
strong winds embraced me like the time of you and I
I wish I could fly just as a butterfly
without being ashamed or being tamed

its incomplete atm, I'm not doing this cause I'm emotionally it was suppose to be done for writing 12 so new post guys and uh this ain't about me I based all of this on the things i saw and touched and i saw a retarded lookin butterfly drawing so yea thats where i got my butterfly alright

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well so far my 2nd week of November actually turned out pretty good ever since my last reflection about *cough(you know already i just don't wanna say it cause i sound gay if i wrote it down) yea so uh...thanks Robin, made me think and realize about a lot of things. So yea back to what I was saying...about tomorrow uh I'm going to be out with someone, were just going to workout(but really were just going to fool around) and hope that she'll be available tomorrow. After of whatever were going to be doing, I'm probably might get a call from you guys asking me what I might be doing tomorrow and well guys my answer to you is "screw you, don't call me" but seriously I'll never say that to you in front or behind your back, but my real answer is that I'm probably gonna go to my aunts/uncles house and visit them, because you know people around me are special and I'd like to cherish these moments with them cause you never know it could be the last time you'd ever see them.
So after I've had my chat with them I might stay a bit longer and practice my song that someone wants to hear me play one day (hope I can remember the whole note). After that I'm going to my half brothers house and just talk with him for a bit got to bond with him, missed 15years. So yea, don't know if you guys call that a chill day(going to be quite a hassle) but to me, these are going to be moments I've spent with my.....don't know how to say this so we'll just call it special people(not saying your not special, its just I haven't spent some quality time with them thats just how it yea little more bonding brother and brother, and uh uncle/aunt with family son?)

Monday, November 10, 2008


I'd like to thank you guys for leaving in a mannerly way on Saturday, and when I mean mannerly I mean it as a respecful way. I apologize for having to leave you guys but it was quite important. I don't want to get into that much detail, cause I'm a bit mixed with some of my emotions and well...all I want to say is that out of the friends I've befriend you guys are the most civilized, unique, and accepting friends I have ever met. When worst comes to worst call me up I'll do whatever I can to return my gratitude to you.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Friends…are what drive us to acknowledge what is right from wrong, love from hate, and correctly or incorrectly live our lives in this reality. Whenever I look back I always asked myself, am I friend that leads them to the right side or the wrong side. For the past few weeks I haven’t been a friend at all. I’ve suffocated them with my misery, told secrets where they should of remain unknown and in the end became so angered and frustrated but for what? Why do I treat others so low when they’ve treated me so high. What happened to me? Are the friends I’m making not the friends who I thought they were? Are they fake? But who am I to judge, when I’m a hypocrite myself. This is not me, I need to address my friends with open arms, an attitude who’ll they will remember, and a personality they could embrace. Now that it’s November, and seasons are beginning to pass I want to show that I can be a friend. No more will I ignore you, discourage you, and amuse myself in your failures, but will rise with you to see you smile. By the time we’ve graduate high school and start to head our separate ways, I want you to know that I’ll regret ever saying goodbye to you, cause moments like these only come once a lifetime.


It's hurtful enough to see her with another man, but haven't I suffered enough. My body aches just listening to her voice wandering across the room, I can't ignore her neither can I talk to her, but what the fuck is holding me back. No ones stopping me but I can't allow myself to get hurt again. I don't understand why I purposely continue on like this I'm lying, betraying my body, and having my inner self ripped apart because of her. But what can I do? why is it so hard? why am I so attached to her? why is it that whenever I think for myself her face would always creep into my mind intruding my privacy and my personal thoughts. She's annoying, senseless, insecure, and God just AHHH!! so why do I still like her(talk about the dumbest attributes for a girl) for God sakes not even porn can take my mind off her. Its irritating enough just talking and thinking about her, I can't allow this conflict to suffocate me and my friends anymore. It's gone far enough its time for me to take a stand she has to lose this has to stop. Where the fuck is my resolve.