Saturday, May 24, 2008

Grade 11 

Period                    Course                Room
  • A                     CH 11                     105
  • C                     YREL 11                 401
  • D                    WR 12                     106
  • E                     SP 11                       401
  • F                     MA 11                     404
  • G                    FDS 11                     107
  • H                    EN 11                       204
It sucks that I cant take art, I was hoping to work and finish my art portfolio for my entrance requirement to BCIT, but whatever I'll do that in grade 12. I heard that WR 12 (writing 12) is like somewhat an art class/free block. No test or homework just write stuff about what you feel or did today or whatever...seems kinda fun. The other blocks are gonna be hella hard, should of taken biology instead of CH 11=( 

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