Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear Maria,

Thank you. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me in a long time, and I'm grateful and glad to have met you. Deep inside I was alone, never could really express myself then you came along and renewed everything around me, not feeling the sense of loneliness. Now that its over I just hope you find someone whose going to treat you better then I ever could. Life's really something, kinda dislike going through all this stuff, but whatever there's nothing we could really do about it. I appreciate all you've done and hope that we can be good friends, and that moments like these rarely come to me. So what I've been through, what I've experienced, I'll keep as a souvenir here in my heart, what you have given to me I will never forget, and never let it disappear. 

If you ever feel lonely I'm always open, not saying you should come back to me, but as a friend I'm here for you, and will be by your side in hard times. As a friend I'll be here to support you that is if you need anything from me(probably not), and wish for the best to come along your way. These past few months was the most joyfulness time I could ever have enjoyed, and because of you I probably should continue being who I am and not going back into my own solitary confinement. I thank you, and appreciate all you've done and hope we could stay in touch after years to come. I would seriously hate to lose someone like you so please don't die anytime soon ok =) I'll see you around so...yeah. Later


Monday, May 26, 2008

One Step at a time, I
Learn to open my eyes,
Learn to walk,
Learn to know those who came before me,
Learn to fall in love,
Learn to smile,
And learned to watch you grow in beauty.
Who will come to admire, each step at a time.
There is one person who I dearly admire in this world, one that I’ve doubted and despised but came to know the true meanings of who that person was. I fell, but was raised up, left alone, but was rejoined, and came to know the feeling of love. Who is it that I speak of, one who is gentle, courageous, elegant, gifted, ready to lend a hand. I will tell you. One, who has seen the shadows of my heart, revealed it upon me and rid me of all my fears. It is not God whom I speak of. Nor is it my friend Nikko, but a woman who has been there for me since kindergarten. I know not her name, but hope one day I will come to know her…once again.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

LIFE, an existence
opening heart and soul to
freely live and die.

Grade 11 

Period                    Course                Room
  • A                     CH 11                     105
  • C                     YREL 11                 401
  • D                    WR 12                     106
  • E                     SP 11                       401
  • F                     MA 11                     404
  • G                    FDS 11                     107
  • H                    EN 11                       204
It sucks that I cant take art, I was hoping to work and finish my art portfolio for my entrance requirement to BCIT, but whatever I'll do that in grade 12. I heard that WR 12 (writing 12) is like somewhat an art class/free block. No test or homework just write stuff about what you feel or did today or whatever...seems kinda fun. The other blocks are gonna be hella hard, should of taken biology instead of CH 11=( 

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friends…are what drive us to acknowledge what is right from wrong, love from hate, and correctly or incorrectly live our lives in this reality. Why does it that people persist to think of others as enemies believing they’ve taken/changed their footsteps in life? They’ve pulled through for us most of time, whether secretly or openly. What we gain from them are many things, its never right to push them away when they offer us help, or threatened them when they haven’t done anything wrong that you assume they have. If they’ve done something, open your mouth and talk, don’t cower and resolve it in a mischievous way where you’ll just get back at them and things will turn out all right.

Believe me, before I met any of you I was the complete opposite of what I am today, I purposely hurt people, betrayed their trust, ruined my companionship with people who I never considered to be friends even though they were nice, and loyal to me. I just used them and threw them away like trash then was left alone in this world to rot from my actions. Only one person did everything to befriend me and make me to the person I am now today, I thank her but cant since that was long time ago before I arrived to Saint Andrews, to start a new life. What I’m saying is not to hurt them but befriend them, we don’t have to go crazy on them, just saying you wont regret it if you do. They're our substitute family from all other occurring conflicts, we turn to them for help. In this world we live in we were never meant to be alone, its better to have something then nothing.

What I did was out of good intention, I swear to God and to you that I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings, so please understand I couldn’t bear to hear what people had to say about you. I probably know it’s not my position to respond to these actions but I can’t help to feel that you’re just going to take more bullshit along the way. That night I didn’t mean for you to cry, I wasn’t mad that you broke up with me I was just worried I guess. I was thinking in my head that if I don’t say this to you anytime soon it’s probably going to be to late for me to save you from all this, but what can I do I’m not superman you know.

As a friend I just want to make things less unpleasant for you, I just want you to have a long and healthy relationship with people you come across with, but what I did to you that night I must be one of the worst you ever came across. I know that I’ve hurt you twice now but please I wasn’t doing this out of revenge or anger. I guess this would be another reason why you should break up with me, but for me I wish to be friends with you nothing more, I miss talking to you, seeing your name on MSN, don’t care if you took me off your top friends list, the only thing I can do for you now is just be a friend and you’ll ALWAYS have my respect an care even if your the one that might possibly hurt me. I just don’t want to forget about you, there are times where I can forget and move on but most of the time you’re always going to pop up in my head.

Again, I will say this once more, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I wasn’t twisting your friends words, I wasn’t turning your friends against you, and I wasn’t starting shit or lies behind your back, all I did was endure its not your fault that it came to this, it was mine. I clearly knew from the beginning when we hooked up, our relationship was too soon, I didn’t give it much time for us to get to know each other more. The choice I made got you hurt and I sincerely apologize and for all those moments I spent with you where I ignored you, made you feel like nothing, I apologize again, but what we had I’d say was something special, I didn’t screw you over and I know that for a fact. I treated you with respect, kindness, and cared about you every time you left my side, I also would consider that I’ve treated you like a queen, even like a daughter, and a wife so please hear me out I didn’t mean for you to get hurt, I merely was trying to help and if you still believe that what I’m saying is all bullshit, and don’t believe I deserve to be your friend then I guess I wasn’t worth being with in the first place. All I ask now is a reply back from you personally please reconsider all that I have just said I meant every word.