Sunday, January 25, 2009


It's been awhile since I posted a new article about something, I should be doing this often so I can use this as my end of the 2nd term Writing 12 portfolio.
Well...its finally 2009(which was 599 hours and 57 minutes ago) and things are just freaking hectic for everyone(drama, girls, guys, homework, test, exams, studying for exams, and uhh...hmm) but after all this crap is dealt with we can finally start fresh all over again(academic work). Honestly I'm seriously tired of studying for exams there just a nuisance they just stress your life even more, but I shouldn't be saying this cause maybe karma's gonna strike back at me and make me regret ever saying those words but if that happens...FUCK YOU!

Since 2008 ended, I promised myself I'd accomplish the personal goals I set out to achieve and well before 2009, I think I achieved most of them(partly) except one or two. I'd tell em but I don't want to be cocky about it and crap cause personally it might jinx me and then I'll never even achieve them. Just before the 2nd week of January, Mrs. Gug's gave our class a workout program made for training our cardiovascular fitness(meaning we can be super fucking fit and run like...FOREVER! be the newUrsan Bolt guy) and well I haven't started I seriously have to start soon or else I'll end up last in the Sun Run(April 17 - Happy Birthday Scarlett Rosales). I should include that to one of my goals of 2009, and I'd better start working on the other two it won't work if I haven't accomplish them both.

Dam...its 2009, one more year till we graduate and another two more years till we all say sayonara(THE BOOK OF REVALATIONS and peace to grad's of 2012 you aint graduating haha Sherilyn...)...Robin I'm starting to believe in that stuff, and the way its going to start is the assassination of Barack Obama(don't know if thats how you spell his name, but its late brains not functioning properly so don't be spazzing) and when that happens o crap say hello to chaos people. It's pretty late should be sleeping now got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow(cram bio, study math, math tutorial, people, and porn...yes porn haven't looked at anything other than books I need something to keep me from being a dork alright so calm your shit) so I'm just gonna end my blog here I probably have another one coming soon anyway and uh Happy birthday Manny and Patrick.